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Working in response to customer needs is both exciting and challenging. It is in this interaction where strategy plays a fundamental role and how to carry it out when it is no longer instinctive.

In any industry, it is essential to do the conscious, methodical and periodic intellectual exercise of ... thinking. The above based on data and provoking difficult conversations of how to test, model and refocus the Strategy.


It is known that working with Retail is not simple. Contracts, negotiation, contributions, inventory management, cash flow, payments make this area a constant challenge to keep the focus on what is important: The Client. Retail Finance plays a fundamental role in securing resources in a methodical and structured way to bring the value proposition to customers and ensure long-term viability. Also in understanding what is at stake.


Category management is the basis for success in bringing the value proposition to the Customer. Managing all the variables that affect the category in a methodical way is essential.

The irruption of the Last Milers and the strength of the Online channel create new challenges for the handling of each proposal.

How should the buyers or KAMs of the future be trained?

What will the stores of the future be like?


Digital Transformation essentially requires a prior intellectual design process. The most likely outcome of any given model will be a consequence of its overall design.


The design of processes, with a transversal perspective, aims to bring the strategy up to date, observing all the variables that impact the last and greatest expected result: the sustainable delivery of an extraordinary experience to customers.




Ours is a story of entrepreneurship. We think that creating, connecting ideas and shaping a company to serve their customers needs is one of the most inspiring ways to spend our time.

As a founder, my professional background is in Finance and my first venture was one associated with Retail, being from the beginning on the other side of the table from the large chains. As I had two great and very creative partners, my role was mainly Financial and did not require full-time dedication, so I took an offer at a strategy consultancy and 3 years later at Walmart. After four ventures and 12 years in a multinational, I decided to dedicate myself 100% to forming a company.

In 2008 life gave me the opportunity to work at Walmart for 12 years. The culture, values, model, people and excellent way of doing things gave me a unique environment to pursue a career in Retail and help suppliers to maintain a close and transparent working relationship, building ties that allowed an unprecedented, profitable, responsible and sustainable in the country. Having met a sea of ​​excellent professionals, I had the vision of creating a knowledge hub for Retail.

Phillips & Partners is the continuation of this story.


Juan de Escaray 6961, Vitacura, Santiago

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